New NFA Promotional Material Guidelines Nov 26, 2019 When National Futures Association (“NFA”) member firms advertise they open themselves up to a great deal of regulatory risk. Without proper consideration, even the most innocent and well-intended efforts to promote a business can land CFTC registered firms in hot water. On August 29th, 2019 NFA announced proposed amendments to Compliance Rules 2-29 and 2-36. Within this announcement they also updated and harmonized several well-known Interpretive Notices. NFA’s proposed changes have now been adopted and will go into effect as of January 1, 2020. All member firms are strongly encouraged to read the entirety of NFAs rule and interpretive notice adjustments. Turnkey would like to focus on a few key adjustments that we believe could significantly impact the industry.
Higher NFA Fees For Swap Firms: Are you Effected? Oct 25, 2019 NFA’s membership fee increase is scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2020. Invoices for this surcharge will be scheduled to go out around November 15, 2019. Now is the time for NFA member firms to revisit whether or not their brokerage activities fall under NFA’s new swap firm considerations.