What makes Turnkey Trading Partners different? Since the company’s formation in 2008, Turnkey Trading Partners has grown into one of the leading Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) and NFA consulting firms in the United States. Our operational and compliance staff consists of several former regulatory examiners as well as other well qualified and tenured industry professionals. Additionally, we have a full accounting team that is led by career industry CPAs. Since 2022 Turnkey has been providing industry ongoing education training as well. Within a year of establishing this offering we are already a leader in this space providing Ethics, AML, Cyber Security, Identity Theft, Market Manipulation, and Market Regulation training. Turnkey Trading Partners provides customized support to the brokerage and trading industry. We can assist Commodity Trading Advisors (“CTA”), Commodity Pool Operators (“CPO”), Introducing Brokers (“IB”), and Futures Commission Merchant’s working within the alternative investments space. We can also assist Registered Investment Advisors (“RIAs”) and Broker Dealers (“BDs”) within the traditional equities marketplace if they are looking to add derivatives to their offerings. Our team is well versed in both operational and regulatory matters relating to commodity futures, equities, bonds, options, swaps, forex, cash and physical trading, digital assets and crypto currency, as well as several other specialized financial markets transaction types. We maintain offices in Chicago, Fort Lauderdale, and Louisville.