Aug 23, 2014 Turnkey was recently asked to speak at a Chicago Bar Association (“CBA”) summer meeting. Our focus was on teaching attorney’s who work within the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), National Futures Association (“NFA”) regulatory space about how examiners view their work. We covered a variety of topics related to Futures Commission Merchant (“FCM”), Independent Introducing Broker (“IIB”), Commodity Pool Operator (“CPO”), and Commodity Trading Advisor (“CTA”) regulatory obligations. We also covered the different approaches regulators have been taking over the year’s at the NFA and the CFTC when conducting onsite audits. There is a rare and complete discussion of the various methods utilized within the futures industry to calculate rates of return using notional funding. The event was broadcast live and you can watch the video for free at our site now using the link below. Topics covered include: Managed futures, notional funding, CTA composite rate of return performance calculations, CTAs, CPOs, IBs, FCMs, various regulations, asset allocations, disclosure documents, procedures, policies, and general day to day advice about operating a derivatives business. Turnkey Trading Partners – Chicago Board Attorney’s Notional Funding Presentation NOTE: This post was updated on June 29, 2015 to correct a broken link. The presentation took place during the summer of 2014 but is still relevant and timely.