Feb 25, 2022 The month of February did not provide much in the way of new NFA rules and regulations. However, the NFA did extend relief from on-site branch reviews as a response to the on-going covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, the NFA elected new members to its board of directors and nominating committee. One of the election results was contested, but resulted in the addition of Douglas L. Bry of Augur Trading Company’s to the NFA’s Board of Directors. For a complete list of the newly elected members please see below. Board of Directors FCM Category: Scott Andersen*, SG Americas Securities LLC Gerald F. Corcoran, R.J. O’Brien & Associates LLC Maureen C. Downs, Phillip Capital, Inc. IB Category: Scott W. Stewart, Stewart-Peterson Group, Inc. CPO/CTA Category: Constance R. Wick, Crabel Capital Management LLC SD/MSP/RFED Category: Mark L. Maurer, StoneX Markets LLC William F. McCoy, Morgan Stanley Don Thompson, JP Morgan Chase & Co. 2022 NFA Nominating Committee FCM Category: David Allocco*, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. IB Category: Trent Hurley*, Hurley & Associates, Inc. CPO/CTA Category: Simon Raykher*, Kepos Capital LP SD/MSP/RFED Category: Syed Ali*, Barclays Bank PLC The terms of NFA’s Board of Directors and Nominating Committee members will begin on February 17, 2022. Board members representing contract markets serve one-year terms. All other Board members serve two-year terms. Nominating Committee members serve three-year terms. * Newly elected For more information regarding Turnkey’s Compliance Consulting solutions please click here. Not a subscriber to our newsletter? You’re missing out! Sign up and request to receive more information here.