Oct 31, 2023 Turnkey cannot express enough how critical it is for firms to take communication record keeping and supervision seriously. We have written about this topic countless times over the past six months. We have included it as a training topic in our quarterly updates for our training subscribers. This year we launched a new technology and supervision service offering to help our customers with address issues in this area. If you would like to learn more please see our recent article “Critical CFTC Supervision and Record Keeping Tips” for more questions you should be asking about this topic. To further demonstrate the importance of this issue Turnkey would like to highlight yet another record keeping and supervision case that just was made public. On October 30, 2023 NFA ordered New York Introducing Broker Oscar Gruss & Son Inc. to pay a $140,000 fine for failing to comply with its communication and record keeping obligations. The complaint also states the firm failed to supervise communications. This case is one in a long line of cases citing similar deficiencies. If your firm has not yet reconsidered its supervision and record keeping policies for company communications you must do so before its too late. To learn more about this topic please contact us today.